Hey there, here is the recruitment post that I made on my social media channels, you are welcome to share it from my FB page, customize it, or ask for any of the graphics that you may find helpful!
Blue Guardrail Marketing Agency | Facebook
Calling all GSBA members, consider joining our SODO OUTLeads networking group!
Networking is a way of life for small business owners, it's essential for growth and expansion, especially in a world reopening after the pandemic. If you are looking to engage with an effective, impactful, and successful group of businesses, this may be the lead-generation group for you.
There is no extra cost associated with this program, it's included in your GSBA membership. www.thegsba.org. Feel free to PM me if you'd like more information!
We all win when we work together.

#sodooutleads #thegsba #seattlenetworking #lgbtqiabusiness #blueguardrail #bluegardrailmarketing #communityfirst Please let me know if you have any questions! THANKS, Jerome